Upcoming Events
We like to have fun! Outside of our regular services and programs, we often gather for things that promote discipleship, friendships, unity, and outreach. Check back for updates or visit our Facebook page to stay in the loop.

Valentine's Day Child Care
Plan a Valentine's date night and drop your kids off at Great Lakes Church!
Kids will be fed a light dinner and snack. There will be games, crafts, music, and a brief Bible teaching.
Open to kids ages 3 months-12 years. Please give a donation of any amount to the Great Lakes Church youth group.
At the door registration opens at 5:45pm! Call Great Lakes Church at 218-525-4951 if you have any questions.

Men's Advance 2023
$40 per man for the two night stay. Food included! Men are allowed to bring their middle or high school boys, too. Let our office know if you’re interested!

Weekend of Ministry w/ Ian Peters
Ian Peters from CityLights Global ministering to us on Saturday night and again on Sunday morning. God has something great in store for you!

Prophetic Worship Night
Powerful time of worship and intercession as we tap into God’s heart for this world.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Come experience the joy and meaning of Christmas with a set of Christmas songs and traditional hymns; scripture readings from the kids, along with short message from the Pastor. Plus, of course, Silent Night in the warmth of candlelight.

Weekend of Ministry W/ Ian Peters
Ian Peters from City Lights Global coming to edify the body of believers in the Twin Ports!

Friends From Israel
Our missionaries to Israel visiting with an update on how God is moving in Israel. Special Saturday worship and prayer night with them. In-person only.

Men's Advance 2022
A time of refreshment, fun, and ministry for men and their older male children at Covenant Park Bible Camp. Contact our office if interested! Cost is $100 per person, food included.

Lakeside Neighborhood Get Together
If you are in the Duluth area, and especially to our Lakeside community, please come!

Family Game Night
For this month’s “love” focus, we are having a family game night and ice cream social. Join us and invite your friends!

Special Week of Ministry & Teaching
Pastors David & Caroline Mngodo from East Wind Ministries coming to GLC.

Create Night
Join us for a time of soaking and meditating on the Lord with worship music prophetic art, and dance in our sanctuary.

Women's Retreat
Attention ladies: Women’s retreat by Lake Superior up the North Shore! Great time for ministry and fellowship. $155 to reserve your spot. Money due by the end of January.

Weekend of Ministry with Ian Peters
Ian Peters from CityLights Global is back in town and will share his heart with us on Saturday night for a special revival service, and again on Sunday. Whoever you are, whatever your needs, and wherever your walk with the Lord, there’s something for you this weekend.

Donation Drive
For the month of January, we are doing a donation drive (hats, gloves, scarves, hand and feet warmers) for the homeless in Duluth. Please bring your new or lightly used donations to the table in the foyer. Thank you!

New Years Eve - Worship & Prayer Night
This is the BEST way to spend your New Years Eve. Join us as we press into our good God and pray for his Kingdom to advance in 2022 in and through his Church to the world around us.

Christmas Eve Service
Our annual Christmas Eve candlelight service! Come celebrate the birth of Jesus with us.

Missionaries to Israel Visiting
A missionary couple to Israel we support will be visiting this weekend! Special Service on Saturday at 6pm, and again on Sunday for our regular service at 10am.

Lester Park Picnic & Lunch
For this month’s “love focus”, following the worship service on Oct 10, we will be loving each other by having a after church picnic and hike at Lester Park! Bring your own lunch and lawn chair.

Rummage Sale & Carnival
For this month’s “love” focus, we are loving our city with a rummage sale and carnival! Free food, live music, games, bouncy house, and a variety of rummage sale items. Fun for the whole family! Parking available on the east side of the parking lot off of Crosley Ave.

National Night Out
Hey Lakeside neighborhood! Join us, along with our friends from OneLife Community Church, for National Night Out 2021. Meeting in the OneLife parking lot off Glenwood Street, come and meet your neighbors and have some fun with us. See you there!

Family Night BBQ
Our “love focus” for July is to build lasting friendships with a family night BBQ on July 23 at Billings Park in Superior! Fun games, food, and fellowship. Open to the public to join the fun, however food is limited. Bring a side to share that’s prepared in a safe way. Hope to see you there!

Worship Night
For our “love God” focus in June, join us in pursuing God’s presence in our sanctuary for a special night of worship, prayer, and prophecy.

Women’s Retreat Day
Attention women! Join us for a day of ministry, food, and fun at the church building. $15 to sign up. Contact our office or Laura at 218-393-9385 if you’re coming.

Donation Drive
For our month of May “love city” focus, we are doing a donation drive for the Duluth Harbor Mission. Some items they are in need of are large blankets, shampoo, body wash, and deodorants. Next time you’re at the store, grab some of these extra items for a good cause! You can drop off your items at the drop off location in the foyer of the church building. Thank you for participating.

Family Night
Fun for everyone! For our “love people” focus in April, you are invited for a free night of games, fellowship, and dessert. Invite your friends!